Have you been wanting to work online but you’re not really sure how to even start and don't have any experience. Well lovely, I've got you!
You could work from anywhere (it doesn’t have to be fancy you can also just sit on your couch) without being stuck at a desk…
You could make your own schedule – without a boss who is telling you when to work and when you can take a day off…
“yup, that sounds ideal… but is it even realistic for me?”
You have NO idea where to get started, what to offer exactly, how to price yourself and how a freelance life in reality - looks like.
Well, I know you’ve seen hundreds of Instagram stories of other women doing precisely that… but let’s be honest here for a second:You have no idea how that whole social media manager thing looks in real life?
...seems like a fantasy to you and not something that YOU could achieve – that’s also what your friends and family tell you (better to have a solid job… NOOOT!).
You do dream about that freedom life but then you talk yourself out of it again because you don’t feel confident enough. You do know a little bit of social media but you feel like it’s not enough to offer your services to clients (also you don’t even know what exactly to offer lol).
And you might even hear that little voice in your head telling “but what if you try and fail?”.
I have been there and hundreds of other women as well and here is the good news:
Working as a freelance social media manager is not like becoming a heart surgeon you can learn the skills in a short amount of time. AND you can learn it while you are still in your 9to5 and get a client on the side first (maybe don’t tell your boss chchch) to see if that whole freelance lifestyle really is something for you.
If you’re ready to finally stop being stuck in an office all day and having full control over your life, then...
Learn the exact skills, processes and workflows you need to work as a freelance social media manager. I am not just talking EVERYTHING there is to know about Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. I am also talking about pricing, creating packages, contracts and finding your target audience.
The Social Shells is an 8 week course that will teach you step by step how to become a freelance social media manager and get your first clients so that you can live the life you are dreaming of!
This program is for you if you’re new to social media management and don’t have any clients yet, or if you’ve been a social media manager for a while and want to improve your skills and need specific tools on how to find and manage clients and create your freedom-lifestyle!
This isn’t just a course where you learn the theory by yourself and then have no idea how to implement it.
You will get access to a sisterhood of women (aka community over competition) who are going through the same process as you do. Think business besties for life and you’ll get to ask your specific questions and support by me (aka your new cheerleader).
Let's take a look...
✔️Course access - Value $997 - Video trainings, Workbooks, Templates & Checklists
✔️LIVE Monthly Group-Call- Value $497
✔️Access to private Facebook Group - Value $997 - Opportunity to ask any questions & Insider Social Media Updates
✔️Monthly Mindset Calls - Value $497 - with an experienced Mindset Expert / Coach
✔️Sales Training - Value $397
✔️E-Mail Templates - Value $197
✔️Contract Templates - Value $149
✔️The Social Shell Planner - Value $49
TOTAL VALUE: $ 3'780.-
Personalized coaching with Nadine to support you in your success. You'll be guided every step of the way with 1:1 calls and review of your work books (especially import for packages & pricing) !
✔️1:1 Call with Nadine - Value $497-
✔️Personal Review of your Packages & Prices - Value $297
✔️Personal Review of your Niche Workbook - Value $297
✔️Course access - Value $997
✔️LIVE Monthly Group-Call - Value $497
✔️Access to private Facebook Group - Value $997 -
✔️Bonus Module Facebook & Instagram Ads - Valued $297
✔️Call Recordings with real clients - Value $149
✔️Monthly Mindset Calls - Valued $497
✔️Sales Training - Value $397
✔️E-Mail Templates - Value $197 -
✔️Contract Templates - Value $149 -
✔️The Social Shell Planner - Value $49
TOTAL VALUE: $ 5'317.-
JOIN THE SOCIAL SHELLS SIGNATURE FOR $1,297What other boss babes and Alumni students from my program The Social Shells have to say:
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